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Death To Stock


Use an image from the DTS library to create a poster and complete the line: I’D RATHER... *BLANK*



To explore the beauty of passion and dreams inside people's hearts. Everyone has their own life goals this poster will be a reminder to keep pursuing the progress made regardless of what other people think of you. 


hungry talks quick briefs: Project

TikTok Summer Activation


After lockdown ends, summer is where the target audience will no longer want to engage purely digitally in their daily lives. They would explore and be active with new local experiences.



Creating a board of activations that could lead the target audience to engage with TikTok through pursuing active experiences associated with food and entertainment.


Through the development of five different activations, TikTok will encourage the target audience to have a new perspective about the app. This leads to an incorporating summer lifestyle that is more fun with Tiktok. 

hungry talks quick briefs: Portfolio
hungry talks quick briefs: Team Members
TikTok QR Code

Activation 1 - QR Code

The first activation will be displayed near public transportation areas across Melbourne. Once they scan the QR code, it would which kind of entertainment (food, sport, beauty, etc.) the audience would like to explore and the chosen one will suggest a couple of videos for them to watch.

Nissan Leaf


To convince urban professionals with or without small kids mostly within the metropolitan areas. They are concerned about the environment and especially the impact of burning fossil fuels on global warming and pollution. The aim is to get the Leaf on their shopping list for city car purchasers.



I would like to incorporate the concept of living with the Nissan Leaf in the future. Imagine future generations enjoying what we have now. By touching on this area, this would be a way to preserve nature, such as planting more trees or reducing air pollution. The motive is to promote living sustainability via purchasing electric vehicles. 

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Brand Activation

Before the campaign, I would like to launch the brand activation in the middle of shopping centres across Melbourne. This exhibit will display the car with growing plants all around in a form of an open greenhouse.

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Execution 1 - TVC Ad

The first execution, a TVC ad will be launched after the activation. The idea of the TVC ad is showing how plants and trees will grow once the car pass through. This shows that they environment is changing to be better and sustained when you are with Nissan Leaf.

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Execution 2 - Billboards

The second execution will speaks about a comparison between the future of air quality. The image of clear air is place on the right side as this connotes that choosing the right decision with Nissan Leaf for future generations. 

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Execution 3 - Social Media Post

The third execution will be an Instagram carousel post, showing a picture that is cut off into two slides. Once the audience slide to the 2nd post, a text will appear highlighting  a clear sky with non-polluted air.

hungry talks quick briefs: Team Members
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